Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Stimmy Garden

When the stimulus checks finally went out, 
I knew I wanted to spend some of it on the garden.

**Insert "DUH" with an eyeroll here**

Lumber is hella expensive these days and even though we live in the country, getting quality composted garden soil is next to impossible without spending an arm and a leg!  

So when that stimmy money hit my account...

Behold, the Stimmy Garden!

Four new 8ft X 4ft beds to grown more food and a cut flower garden, because you should always have a little bit of pretty with functionality.

I've been working in the garden every day that I have off work and I'm proud to say that I'm rockin' a pretty awesome farmers tan.

I'm sure my boys would have rather I spent the money on a new PS5, but this small bit of lumber and soil just makes me so very happy.  Being in the sunshine and fresh air is medicine to my soul!

Hopefully I can win them over to my way of thinking with fresh salsa from the garden this summer.

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