Sunday, March 14, 2021

My Little Entrepreneur

I was planting tomato seeds one beautiful January day and Mary Grace asks me, "Why are you planting seeds when you can just go to Walmart and get plants?"  
I told her that these were special varieties of tomato that you can't find in the stores.  Then she asked if people would be interested in buying them.  I told her they probably would because seed starting is a little hard.  
So she asked if she could start some seeds to sell.

She followed my directions and planted around100 tomato and pepper seeds.  When they outgrew the starter trays, she up-potted them to Solo cups.  
She helped me water them and harden them off outside.

They were finally big enough for sale 
and the weather was warm enough for them to go in the ground. 
To sell them, I didn't have to go further 
than my FaceBook friend's list!

You all turned out in droves and bought 

And while I can't get her to EAT a tomato,
she has learned to love them from an economic standpoint!
Hey, I'll take what I can get!

Growing these tomatoes for you has taught her:

Responsibility for living things
Understanding of cause and effect
Encouraged her love of nature
Boosted her self confidence

Thank you for your support and encouragement!
It means so much to Mary Grace
but it means so much more to this mama's heart.
You all have been such a blessing.

So happy gardening to all our friends and I'm looking forward to all the FaceBook photos of your giant tomato hauls and delicious tomato sandwiches!

Mary Grace is already planning for next year's seeds! 

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