Friday, January 28, 2011

Meatless Fridays

I've been planting seeds this week and it has got me thinking about the summer garden! I thought this would be a nice little pick-me-up during this cold, dreary winter ~ a little taste of summer time!
This week's Meatless Friday meal is:

Zucchini Fritters

1 pound zucchini
2 eggs
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
oil for frying

Shred the zucchini using a food processor and put it in a big mixing bowl. Stir in the eggs, garlic, flour and salt and pepper and mix until blended. The batter may look a bit runny, but don't get alarmed. It all holds together once it hits the hot oil.

Heat about 1/2 inch of oil in a heavy skillet. Drop the batter by tablespoons full into the oil and cook until browned - three to four minutes per side. Remove from oil with a slotted spoon and drain on absorbent paper towel.


  1. This recipe is slightly different that one I use and I will sure try it! :) I have looked through parts of our blog and your blog is amazing! So many many good ideas! I will Definately be back! I found you through Graocery cart challenge. I am soooo glad I did! :) Sarah

  2. I'm so glad you visited me, Sarah! Sometimes I just feel like I'm blabbing to myself. Thanks for all your sweet comments!
