Monday, January 31, 2011

The Winter garden

I am so thankful to live in south Texas! We have a year round growing season here (although it would be nice to see *some* snow each winter!). Cool season crops love it here and really thrive despite all the neglect they are receiving at my hands (thank you night shift!).

We have been harvesting brussell sprouts, collard greens, kale, broccoli, and turnip greens. Just a quick blanch in salted water, draining, and packaging in zip lock bags will allow us to eat these foods well into the summer.

My herb box is also growing well. I let the cilantro and dill from the summer set seed and now I have this fragrant carpet covering the box!

These beauties will go into the dehydrator because they will die off in the hot Texas heat this summer. Pictured below are dill, cilantro, and lemon thyme. I cannot describe how delicious this basket of herbs smell!

And for all you folks buried underneath mountains of snow this winter, I only have four words for you...



  1. Oh how I would Love to move to Texas!! I so wish we could. Our daughter visited with thoughts of moving there. She said the attitude of the people was amazingly friendly and she just loved everywhere she went. I have not met anyone who doesn't rave about Texas and its people! :) Thanks for the invite! Sarah

  2. I just love this state, although I have to admit I've only ventured out of it a handful of times! Come on down!

  3. I've lived here for years and STILL CANNOT get my garden to grow. :(
