Friday, August 21, 2015

Feeling old...

I am now the mother of TWO adult children!
How'd that happen?  I swear they were just babies yesterday.

Kyle turned 18 this year.
Birthdays are pretty low key around here, no big parties, 
just family time.
Everyone gets donuts and presents when they wake up...
great way to start the day if you ask me!

And everyone gets the cake of their request.
For Kyle, it's always a 
Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake.
You can get the recipe HERE.
(FYI, I substituted dark chocolate cocoa powder for regular)

We ended the day with an Astros game.
Kyle is the ultimate Astros fan so a day at 
Minute Maid Park was a must!

A mere two days later, Ryan turned 21!
This kid, who survived childhood on hot dogs and 
Goldfish crackers, has turned into quite the foodie.  
We went out for sushi and cocktails...
and truth be told, 
he's one of the reasons I drink!

His cake of choice,
Italian Cream Cake.
It's another Pioneer Woman recipe 
and can be found HERE.

As with any 21 year old,
we just got a small portion of his time that day.
He had major celebrating to do with his friends!

The week was bittersweet.
I'm excited for the boys.  They're growing up and becoming awesome young men, but the mama in me still misses my baby boys.  Good thing they have three younger siblings!
I'm going to try to keep them little for as long as I can!

1 comment:

  1. Just came across ur blog via Pinterest, THAT TOMATO SAUCE IS AMAZING!!!!
    Now the pics of those bday cakes! yum, I'm craving cake now- thanks!
