Friday, September 4, 2015

Sweat is MAGIC!

A little over a month ago I had a routine check up with my doctor.  For me, check ups usually go down like this:

My weight would be inching upwards.
My lab results would be crappy.
She'd add another medication to the already lengthy list.
I'd feel like such a loser leaving the office that I'd drown my sorrows in Chick-fil-A or Mexican food.

This time was different.

By some miracle, I was down 10 lbs. from my previous visit.
My labs were pretty darn good.
I got off of one of my blood pressure medications.
And she praised me for the positive changes I had been making.
I felt like such a winner that I went out and treated myself to some new clothes instead of food.

It was a really good day.

Something inside me snapped.  For the first time in a really long time, I felt empowered and encouraged to make some more positive changes in regards to my health. 
 So I joined a gym.

Yes folks, I've become one of THOSE people.
You know the ones....

I hit that gym Monday - Friday for 1-2 hours at a time.  I also go back in the evenings for Zumba, Tabata, Pilates, or whatever class they are offering.

It's an addiction, really.

This is MY time to get healthy.  
It's MY time to crank up my music as loud as I can stand it and just zone out.  
It's MY life and I feel like I'm finally waking up and taking charge of it!

Sweat is magic, y'all.
It has made me so much stronger than I was a month ago, physically and mentally.
It has shown me how to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.
It has shown me my body is capable of amazing things.
It has shown me how to love myself.

And best of all, when my husband says, 
"DAMN GIRL!  You look HAWT!"

Well...what more could I ever want?

Trust me, the best things in life make you sweaty!

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