Friday, February 5, 2021

Tomato Time!

For the past few weeks, I've stolen this corner of my dinning room and converted it to a mini greenhouse.  You won't find shelves of little seedlings under grow lights 
in the pages of 'Better Homes & Gardens' magazine...
and I'm sure Joanna Gaines would not approve...
these shelves full of life make me so happy 
during this chilly, dreary time of year!

Best of all, the tomato seedlings are ready to be up potted!
That means they have outgrown their seed trays and need a bigger home for development.  
The way I do this is to up pot them into Solo cups.
It's cheap.
It's the perfect size.
I use them year after year.

Each little seedling gets popped into a cup with fresh potting soil.  You'll want to bury that little seedling up to it's top leaves because tomatoes can send out new roots all along their stem.
It makes for a stronger, healthier plant.

I then put all the cups into bins so I can begin to take them outside to "harden off" as the days become warmer.  By the second week of March, they'll be ready to plant in the garden.

But until then, the little corner of my dinning room is over run with plants.  I'm sure the purple glow coming from my windows is concerning to my neighbors and passers by.  But I assure you folks, it's JUST tomatoes and peppers, nothing illegal going on here!

If you'd like to follow my gardening adventures, 
follow the hashtag #Creamergarden
on Instagram.

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