Friday, February 19, 2021

Snow-mageddon 2021

I don't know about you, 
but I am tired of living through major historical events!  
This past Valentine's Day ushered in one of the worst winter storms to ever hit Texas.

And while the above picture doesn't look like a lot of snow, it was enough to bring civilization as we know it to a grinding halt!

The single digit temperatures caused enough ice and snow to accumulate that roads were inaccessible, rolling blackouts of 24-72 hours, burst pipes, a failed power grid, and fatalities that affected every single one of the 254 counties in Texas.

That Valentine's Day evening, Doug drove me into Houston to the hospital where I work.  They were asking employees to come in to ride out the storm days since most employees wouldn't be able to make it in.  I stayed there three days and had it better than most ~ 
I had a warm bed, food, and electricity.
I was safe and so very thankful.

And by God's grace, Doug and the kids were able to hunker down at home with plenty of supplies.  Our area on the Texas Gulf Coast made it through the storm with not too much damage and temperatures that were higher than most.

Now we face the aftermath of the storm, 
the clean up, boiling water, the empty store shelves, 
the failing power grid...

I'll take a 100+ temperatures and hurricanes any day of the week, 
you northerners can keep your snow and ice.
The ONLY thing Texans know about ice and salt
is in the form of a margarita!

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