In October I came back to work, but on light duty. My wonderful team allowed me to do desk duty while I got stronger and finished my Physical Therapy.
I'm not going to lie, it was tough!
I went from 5 months of sitting in a recliner and watching Netflix like it was my full time job, to getting up at 5 am and trying to make it through an 8 hour day.
October flew by and it was now time to transition to my regular position as a nurse in the OBED.
This was busy 12 hour shifts and on my feet most of the time.
And you know what?
Not only did I manage to do my required shifts per week, I signed up for extra shifts ('cause Christmas is coming!).
I actually did THREE back to back 12 hour shifts on my new bionic foot and I was just fine!
After that 36 hour marathon, I DID sleep for two days!
But that's beside the point!
I am so grateful for two good feet, the gift of healing, and am so excited about the year to come.