Thursday, December 21, 2023

Wild Lettuce

So in my last post, I told you about my farm job.  

I come home most days, jump in the shower,
 take 4 Motrin, 2 Aleve, crank the heating pad to the "lava" setting and crash for several hours.
I am old.
I am out of shape.
I am basically falling apart.

Doug had been doing some research on medicinal herbs and came across wild lettuce.  

Now, that's WILD lettuce...NOT the devil's lettuce!

  Anyway, it turns out that it is an incredible natural pain reliever.  Doug bought a bottle of capsules of the dried herb and I've been taking them daily.  
I take them in conjunction with an OTC pain reliver and only at night and I have to admit that it does what it says!  It relaxes me and makes me a little sleepy.  On the nights I forget take it, I usually wake up several times due to pain.  I liked the effects so much that I purchased a package of seeds from Strictly Medicinal Seeds and grew out five plants this past fall.

There are about 50 varieties of wild lettuce and from what I've read, they all have about the same medicinal qualities.  I recently harvested the plants and dried them.  I think I'll make a tincture to last me through the winter and then re-sow the plants in the spring.

For me, it's a great substitution 
for so much OTC medication,
and I know my liver will thank me for that!

Check out some info on Wild Lettuce HERE.

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