Saturday, August 19, 2023

Back to Homeschool

All of my Facebook friends are posting sweet back to school pictures of their kiddos, so I thought I'd post a back to HOMEschool picture at the Creamer house.
No new outfit, no chalkboard sign about the year, and best of all...I didn't have to spend a hundred bucks in school supplies!  Just a sharpened pack of pencils and a new spiral notebook.
It's simple, it's comfortable, and her only distraction are the two kittens playing in that basket.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Happy birthday, Ryan!
It's your last year in your twenties, 
so you better make this one count.

In my last post, I talked about how we all have a "birthday buddy."  Two days ago we celebrated Kyle, and now it's Ryan's turn.  
And keeping true to Creamer  brother fashion, while Kyle keeps things simple, 
Ryan is always just a little bit extra.

We went out for sushi, enjoyed a homemade Chantilly cake (VERY labor intensive btw!), and Ryan added to his library with a set of books, 
he's a very voracious reader.

He ended the night at the pool with friends t
hen a movie night to finish it off.
If you know Ryan, then you'll know this was a very laid back day for him.  Maybe his brother is wearing off on him, maybe he's growing up and settling down, all I know is that I have a year to save up for his next birthday because sushi and homemade cake won't cut it for his 30th!

And how can I have a child who is almost 30?
Don't blink, mamas!
Time goes by way too fast!