I love, love, LOVE hydrangea!
It's my favorite flower in the garden.
And now that I have FINALLY figured out how to grow it here in south Texas, I went to a local nursery and purchased a gorgeous, healthy plant to add to the garden. In case you didn't know, hydrangea are expensive! I can't afford the five or six plants I'd like to have to fill my shade garden, soooo....
I'm propagating that many and more for FREE!
Propagating hydrangea is very easy. Take a tender branch from the plant and cut it to a length of 4-6 inches. Remove all the leaves but the top two. Dip the end of the cutting in rooting hormone powder and then cut the top two leaves crosswise. Stick the whole plant into a soil less medium (seed starting mix, vermiculite, or sand) and keep moist. Not wet, but moist. Fasten a plastic bag over the potted plant to retain moisture and set in a shady area.
In about 10 days you'll have roots! Take the plant out of the plastic and continue to keep soil moist as your cutting grows. Transplant to the garden or container after new growth starts.
It really is that simple!
I also wanted to propagate some lavender. I am growing three varieties of lavender and wanted to start a large lavender garden on the side of the barn. The process is almost the same:
Cut a segment of lavender and strip all the leaves off but the top few. Dip the end of the cutting into rooting hormone and place into your soil less medium. Cover with plastic and allow to root. Transfer to the garden when new growth appears.
I still have a lot to learn about plant propagation but so far I am hooked! I can potentially have dozens more plants from just the purchase of one, and for a cheapskate frugal plant lover like me, it is very exciting stuff!