Last weekend we had a garden workday.
I hauled everybody outside to get our garden boxes ready for this spring's plantings. But then it quickly turned into garden play day...
The power drill got Kyle's attention and he reinforced all the boxes with "L" braces. I think I can get one more growing season out of these boards before they will have to be replaced.
It was such a blessing to have the boys out there to help! This mama's back doesn't hold up to much bending after 20 years of being a nurse...just sayin'!
John Paul and Danny did quick work of spreading thick newspaper and then a good 4 inch layer of hay over the boxes. Truth be told, we should have done this back in November. The garden is very forgiving, though, and we should be fine for May plantings.
And of course, the Divine Miss M was there to oversee it all!
In the fore ground is a finished box
(that's motherwort still growing in the front right hand side!),
and a weed ridden bed in the back ground.
I also ordered all my seeds from
Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.
I'm very excited about some of this year's seeds (you can click on any of the listings below to see what the variety looks like and read customer reviews!) Some of these are very exotic, like the Chinese Red Noodle Bean, and I cannot wait for the kids to experience the growing and eating of these varied, heirloom, and non-GMO vegetables!
Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.
I'm very excited about some of this year's seeds (you can click on any of the listings below to see what the variety looks like and read customer reviews!) Some of these are very exotic, like the Chinese Red Noodle Bean, and I cannot wait for the kids to experience the growing and eating of these varied, heirloom, and non-GMO vegetables!

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