This weekend was spent baking and prepping
for Ryan and Kyle's birthdays.
Somehow I managed to have my oldest children just two days
shy of exactly three years apart.
This year, Ryan wanted a BIG party at his apartment...and he wanted Mom and Dad to foot the bill.
We compromised.
I cooked all the food for the party.
And I had a little help from two of the cutest soux chefs
in all of Texas!
We stayed just long enough to set everything up and sing, "Happy Birthday" to the boys. After that we were shooed away because we weren't cool enough to party with the big guys.
Plus, who wants to drink and party with their MOM?
Am I right?

<---ryan a="" blink182="" cake="" p="" s="" song="" t="">
Kyle's cake--->
He's a Reece's ADDICT!
Happy Birthday
to my precious boys~
I'm so proud of the young men you've become!