Friday, September 9, 2011

Meatless Fridays

This week's meatless meal is totally adaptable to your taste and is a great way to clean out the fridge or pantry. Why spend alot of money at Chipoltle or Bullritos when you can make it yourself for pennies!
This week's meatless meal is:

Stuffed Burritos with Cilantro-Lime Rice

(this recipe is substituted with quinoa since I can't eat rice!)

To make rice:
Cook rice according to package directions but substitute chicken stock for water and add one clove of chopped garlic. When rice is finished cooking, add the zest and juice of one lime and a handful of chopped fresh cilantro. Salt to taste.
To substitute quinoa, follow the same directions!

To make burritos, fill whole wheat tortillas with:
Black beans
Pico de Gallo
Refried Beans
Or whatever suits your taste buds!

It's so easy and kids just love it ~ especially when they get to make their own!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm,...looks good! Sarah