Temps in the 90's and a good soaking rain was all my garden needed to literally explode this week!
Let's go on a little tour, shall we?
Let's go on a little tour, shall we?
Here is one of my many garden boxes that Doug built. This one is my kitchen herb garden. Lots of basil, dill, cilantro, sage, lemon balm, bee balm, and parsley are growing here. I love to come out here to pick herbs for cooking ~ fresh herbs make all the difference, they can be medicinal as well!
Here is the bean and cucumber patch. I planted the varieties two weeks apart to extend the harvest season, that's why one trellis isn't covered and half of the beans look small! Black eyed peas (cowpeas) are on the left and green beans (two varieties) are on the right:
I planted all the squash together this year. I'm training the spaghetti squash vines up onto tomato trellises. So far it's working really well!
Next we have the nightshades~ eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes (growing next to tomatillos which are technically gooseberries!)
Besides the herb box, I have watermelon and cantaloupe growing in boxes, too. Much easier to prevent weeds and contain all the vines!
Closer to the house are more garden boxes. This one contains swiss chard and chives planted a year ago! I keep cutting them and they grow right back!
And here are some of my medicinal herbs: feverfew, evening primrose, elecampane, chamomile, and all heal. I've been drying the leaves, flowers, and stems for use in herbal teas and tinctures.
If you need me, you know where to find me, out in the garden!
Need a little more garden inspiration?
Check out An Oregon Cottage's Tuesday Garden Party

My goodness - that really is a piece of heaven on earth! Thanks for sharing your marvelous garden!
Everything looks so wonderful--I hope my veggie garden does as well as yours!
Here from Jami's garden party :)
Wow, explosion for sure! I am waiting for some warm sun for things to pop. Can't believe your eggplants and tomatoes!! I have some scraggly vines that vaguely resemble them:)
Thanks for sharing on Jami's garden tour... looking forward to seeing your garden next week.
Oh, I'm so glad you shared this week at the Garden Party! I hope you will continue and especially share some of the medicinal uses for your herbs you mentioned- I'd love to know what you find helpful. :-)
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