In case you were wondering...apples DO grow in Texas!
The apple tree that I planted a year ago has five of the most wonderful little apples growing on it with tons more blooms yet to come! I really didn't expect any apples for at least another two years so I was super excited to see these beauties the other day when watering the tree. These will be the most tended to babies in the garden (we spend a small fortune on organic apples!). I'm going out after lunch to the feed store to buy netting to protect them from the birds.
The apple tree that I planted a year ago has five of the most wonderful little apples growing on it with tons more blooms yet to come! I really didn't expect any apples for at least another two years so I was super excited to see these beauties the other day when watering the tree. These will be the most tended to babies in the garden (we spend a small fortune on organic apples!). I'm going out after lunch to the feed store to buy netting to protect them from the birds.
And Aunt Bonnie, this picture is for you:
The fig tree is producing mass quantities of little green figs! We'll have ripe ones by mid summer and I'll bring a bushel to you as well as some preserves. There would be more on the tree but JP and the neighbor kid like to play "war" with them...don't worry, I've threatened them both within an inch of their lives not to do it again!
My peach, pear, and golden apple are growing and loving these hot Texas afternoons. Surely they won't produce for at least another two years...but you never know!
My peach, pear, and golden apple are growing and loving these hot Texas afternoons. Surely they won't produce for at least another two years...but you never know!

Wow, that's great! We wanted to get some trees planted last fall, but time/finances just didn't permit....
We don't eat a good deal of fruit, just because it is hard to find organic, and expensive when we do...
But God willing, this fall, we'll be planting berry bushes and some semi-dwarf fruit trees for future enjoyment... ;-)
What do you do with the figs? We've never eaten them...
If you ever buy fruit trees/bushes/vines you MUST check out Stark Bros.! I was very impressed with their selection for our area and if the tree dies for ANY reason-they replace it! You can get a free catalog from their site and twice a year they have a huge sale.
Figs are really good eaten right off the tree! I make breads, cookies, and preserves with them. I also dry a bunch to use at Christmas time instead of dates in some recipes.
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