Pretty darn smart, 'ain't I?
Christmas is always such a rushed time of year for me. Between working, gifting, decorating, and cooking, it seems like I never really enjoy the holidays.
I'm changing that this year - I have a plan!
I am NOT running around like a mad woman this year shopping for gifts! It's going to be a handmade/homemade Christmas this year. I have several things on my agenda like:
Tote bags
Crayon rolls
Knitted hats and socks
Market bags with accompanying produce and bread bags
Picnic blankets
...and lots of treats from the kitchen like pretty bottled vanilla and apple pumpkin butter.
I know all of this seems a little ambitious and like even more work than holiday shopping, but sewing and crafting is like therapy to me. I have wonderful visions of setting up the sewing machine in the den by the Christmas tree, brewing a pot of hot tea, putting on a little Christmas music or Gregorian chant, and making useful things for the ones I love.
Even the boys are getting into the spirit of our handmade holidays. We'll brainstorm and they'll make and bake gifts for our family, friends, and neighbors as well.
Yep, simple is best...I'm really hoping to keep it nice and simple this year and avoid all the stress of holidays past. It's time to really focus on the real 'Reason for the Season!"
Christmas is always such a rushed time of year for me. Between working, gifting, decorating, and cooking, it seems like I never really enjoy the holidays.
I'm changing that this year - I have a plan!
I am NOT running around like a mad woman this year shopping for gifts! It's going to be a handmade/homemade Christmas this year. I have several things on my agenda like:
Tote bags
Crayon rolls
Knitted hats and socks
Market bags with accompanying produce and bread bags
Picnic blankets
...and lots of treats from the kitchen like pretty bottled vanilla and apple pumpkin butter.
I know all of this seems a little ambitious and like even more work than holiday shopping, but sewing and crafting is like therapy to me. I have wonderful visions of setting up the sewing machine in the den by the Christmas tree, brewing a pot of hot tea, putting on a little Christmas music or Gregorian chant, and making useful things for the ones I love.
Even the boys are getting into the spirit of our handmade holidays. We'll brainstorm and they'll make and bake gifts for our family, friends, and neighbors as well.
Yep, simple is best...I'm really hoping to keep it nice and simple this year and avoid all the stress of holidays past. It's time to really focus on the real 'Reason for the Season!"

Well, if nothing else, stitching some designs onto flour sack dishtowels is always fun. And small. And easy to take along in a small bag for working on on breaks and when waiting for dr's apptmts, etc. :-)
I did more homemade stuff last year. This year I'm keeping it small and inexpensive, hopefully, too. Skirts and flannel backed satin slips for the girls, hopefully a scarf for DH, maybe a knitted wool blanket for DH if I have the time (I've also got some other ideas percolating around in my noggin, but I've really got to get on the stick to make those happen).
GL! Knitting is my "therapy", but right now it has fallen by the way side. I'm like a mutual friend of ours, who 'hooks' to the tv in the background....and my tv is deaaaddddd. Unfortunately. LOL. I'm hoping to finish my shawl this weekend, and move on to something else when I get home.
Can't wait to see it all! I love EVERY idea on your list!
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