Everything for our meal plan this week is coming out of the freezer.
I had a particularly unproductive weekend and an extremely busy week coming up, so this is the best I can manage in a pinch.
Monday: Spaghetti squash and homemade tomato sauce. Thank the Lord for the good crop this summer. It has saved my behind more than once for meal time! Will have Kyle make up some artisan bread to go with this.
Tuesday: Grilled steaks and Doug's delicious Jack Daniel baked beans. We got a deal on some steaks and they've been sitting in the freezer so we'll use them up this week. Doug made a double batch of beans some time ago and I'm thankful I put them in the freezer instead of the fridge!
Wednesday: Tortillas with black beans and pico de gallo. Kyle can make some of my whole wheat tortillas to go with a freezer pack of black beans. Doug can whip up some fresh pico and maybe we'll top it all with a little queso fresco.
Thursday: Tortilla soup. Will use some homemade frozen salsa, organic chicken stock, and leftover black beans and other frozen veggies for a crock pot soup.
Friday: Dinning out!
Saturday: Homemade pizza with eggplant and peppers from the garden.
Sunday: Breakfast for dinner. Scrambled yard eggs, homemade biscuits with fig preserves, and bacon. YUM!

MMMM. I love me some Mexican food. LOL. I've been thinking of making some up for dinner tonight (we'd eat on it all week, since I make a big batch at one time), but I think we'll be having a kielbasa-potato-cabbage soup. And have Lily mix up some of that artisan bread you shared the recipe for a while back.
Sorry you've had an unproductive weekend, but I kwym. With weather, and certain other impediments to getting projects done around here, all I got done was some yard saling, and a harvest on our remaining Romas and jalapenos. Salsa to be made today!
Excuse me? recipe for Jack Daniel beans, PLEASE?!
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